Today, WoodWisdom-Net continues under the ERA-NET Plus scheme. Call definition process for a new call was started in 2012 (will run till Nov 2017), and based on the discussions and analysis of the outcomes, the WW-Net+ Consortium launched the4th Joint Call for Proposals in February 2013. The overall scope of WoodWisdom-Net+ is to support the total transformation of the European forest-based industry and sustainable forest management to enable it to increase resource efficiency and develop a totally new products scope, while adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate change.
The first ERA-NET on wood material science and engineering, WoodWisdom-Net started in 2004 with 12 partners from 5 countries and was later in 2006 expanded with 6 new partners (3 countries). The project was initiated as a part of the ERA-NET Scheme of the European Commission’s Framework Programme 6 which is to support the cooperation and coordination of research activities carried out at national and/or regional level. As a main result, the 1st Joint Call of Transnational WoodWisdom-Net Research Programme with 17 projects of a total volume of over 20 M€ was launched (for the years 2006-11) . This first ERA-NET phase of WoodWisdom-Net came to its end on Dec 21, 2008.
The 2nd phase of WoodWisdom-Net “WoodWisdom-Net 2 – ERA-NET on trans-national cooperation for new innovative products in the forest-based value chains” was run from Jan 2009 to Feb 2012 under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. The consortium included 19 partners from 12 countries. As a result there were launched two joint calls: the 2nd Joint Call for Proposals “Sustainable, competitive processing and end-use concepts for forest-based industries” in autumn 2009, and the 3rd Joint Call “Sustainable forest management and optimised use of ligno-cellulosic resources – Bridging gaps between research disciplines, producers, consumers and society” in autumn 2010. The latter call was arranged together with the ERA-NET Bioenergy.